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134: A Candid Conversation on Pelvic Health and Pessaries with Carrie Pagliano

134 - A Candid Conversation on Pelvic Health and Pessaries with Carrie Pagliano - The Practice Brave Podcast with Brianna Battles

Listen on: Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Podcasts   Today I talk candidly with Dr. Carrie Pagliano about all things pelvic health and women’s health and fitness. The field of pelvic health and pregnancy and postpartum fitness is evolving. Now is a better time than ever for PTs and Coaches to collaborate and help connect the dots for […]

133: The Real Deal About Diastasis Recti with Munira Hudani

133 The Real Deal About Diastasis Recti with Munira Hudani - Practice Brave Podcast with Brianna Battles

Listen on: Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Podcasts   Today I chat with Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist and colleague Munira Hudani about all things Diastasis Recti. Diastasis Recti is a hot topic online with a lot of confusion. Munira clears all the confusion and gives us the real deal and what we really need to know. Diastasis Recti, […]

132: Leveraging Athlete Brain to Live a High-Performing Lifestyle

132 - Leveraging Athlete Brain to Live a High-Performing Lifestyle Practice Brave with Brianna Battles

Listen on: Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Podcasts “Athlete Brain” is a term I coined around 9 years ago that describes that inner-drive to do more, push harder. It’s a great trait to have. It’s better when we leverage it to work for us, not against us. Athlete brain is what drives us in sports and fitness, but […]

131: Jenn Fiddler’s Inspiring Comeback Story: Competing in BJJ Worlds 1 Year Later After Experiencing a Vertebral Artery Dissection

131 - Jenn Fiddler’s Inspiring Comeback Story - Competing in BJJ Worlds 1 Year Later After Experiencing a Vertebral Artery Dissection - Practice Brave with Brianna Battles

Listen on: Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsStitcher Jenn Fiddler’s story is inspiring AF. After experiencing a vertebral artery dissection during a BJJ training session, resulting in multiple strokes and a posterior fossa decompressive craniectomy (surgery removing a part of her skull), Jenn has started over again from post-surgery recovery all the way to preparing to compete at […]

130: Q&A: What Living my Healthiest Life Looks Like, Training for Competition, Body Composition Changes, and More

Listen on: Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsStitcher You asked and I answered. Here’s what my life is looking like right now in a season of being in a cut, training for BJJ Worlds, and how I got to what I consider the healthiest in my life. This process of figuring out how to share all of this […]

129: Having a Truly Neutral Approach to My Body for the First Time In My Life

129 - Having a Truly Neutral Approach to My Body for the First Time In My Life - Practice Brave Podcast Brianna Battles

Listen on: Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsStitcher The pendulum swing of health and fitness is real – but what if we found the messy middle? I’m currently prepping for Jiu Jitsu Worlds and it has required me to be aware of my data as I need to make my weight class. And, for the first time in […]

128: A Second Chance with Chance

128 - A Second Chance with Chance - Practice Brave Podcast with Brianna Battles

Listen on: Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsStitcher Get ready, because this is going to be an emotional one… The decision to have a second baby seemed like an overwhelming decision after the traumatic and extremely hard experience I had with my first birth and postpartum. But, through time, I felt ready and found what I had control […]

127: Well-Rounded Training for When You’re Done Having Babies

127 - Well-Rounded Training for When You're Done Having Babies Practice Brave Podcast Brianna Battles Heather Osby

Listen on: Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsStitcher Today, I have Heather join me as we talk about what our life and fitness is like post-babies and what we think a well-rounded fitness program for women should look like for a lifetime of athleticism. We strongly believe that athleticism does not end when motherhood begins, OR after we’re […]

126: What Your Programming Should Look Like for Pursuing a Lifetime of Athleticism

126 - What Your Programming Should Look Like for Pursuing a Lifetime of Athleticism - Practice Brave Podcast with Brianna Battles

Listen on: Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsStitcher Recently, I had a complaint about my Pregnant Athlete Training Program that the workouts repeated and that it lacked variation. That’s the point – we test and retest and same basic movements over time to make progress and gain strength. Programming for a lifetime of athleticism isn’t about randomized, all […]

125: Professional Triathlete Lara Gruden Talks Pregnancy and Mindset and Her Plan to Return to Competition Postpartum

125 - Professional Triathlete Lara Gruden Talks Pregnancy and Mindset and Her Plan to Return to Competition Postpartum - Practice Brave Podcast with Brianna Battles

Listen on: Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsStitcher Today, I chat with professional triathlete Lara Gruden all about her pregnancy as an elite athlete and her plans for returning postpartum. Lara has an incredible sense of athletic maturity and has chosen the path of intention over intensity. She sees the big picture and is grateful for the opportunity […]

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Podcast Cover #4

The Practice Brave Podcast brings you the relatable, trustworthy and transparent health & fitness information you’re looking for when it comes to coaching, being coached and transitioning through the variables of motherhood and womanhood.

You will learn from athletes and experts in the women’s health and coaching/performance realm as they share their knowledge and experience on all things Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism.

Whether you’re a newly pregnant athlete or postpartum athlete, knowing how to adjust your workouts, mental approach and coaching can be confusing.

Each week we’ll be tackling questions around adjusting your workouts and mindset, diastasis recti, pelvic health, mental health, identity, and beyond. Through compelling interviews and solo shows, Brianna speaks directly to where you’re at because she’s been there too!

Tune in every other week and share the show with your athlete friends!

Connect with Brianna on Instagram @Brianna.Battles


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